PHOTOS!/!FOTOS! | Write Me/ Me Escribas | Michigan
My Trip to Ecuador/Mi Viaje a Ecuador


During this past summer of 2003 I traveled to Ecuador as an Exchange student.  From June 26-July 31 I lived with an Ecuadoiran family, and participated in the daily life activities with them.  Through this experience I gained a better understanding of Ecuadorian people and their culture.  I learned so much about this beautiful country! Imet so many interesting people and I made many unforgetable friends.  This really was an experience that I'll never forget!

I designed this website so that I can show my trip to the world, especially my friends from Ecuador.  I live thousands of miles away from them, but thankfully because of the internet I could create this website to share my pictures, trip, thoughts, etc. with them.  Hopefully others will come accross this website as well, and they can see what a wonderful place Ecuador is!

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